SENSUS is a non-alcoholic botanical drinks crafted with 26 whole organic herbs.

Luxurious, elegant, and naturally relaxing.

It offers a refined taste experience that balances health and pleasure.


Sixteen natural ingredients were used to create this innovative mocktail from SENSUS. The most beautiful thing you can experience in life is love. After drinking 16 ENAMOURED you will be immersed in a loving state of ease, happiness and pleasure.

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Twenty four natural ingredients were used to create this innovative mocktail from SENSUS. Wealth is where there is confidence and peace of mind. It is this state that will come to you after drinking 24th RICH by SENSUS.

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Seventeen natural ingredients were used to create this innovative mocktail from SENSUS. It takes energy to succeed in all things. SENSUS 17th ENERGETIC will help you to discover the endless flow of your inner power.

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